Baby Massage
Infant massage has been practiced for centuries. In Asia and parts of Africa, infants are routinely massaged by parents and other family members for months after birth. We all know that parental contact is critical to an infant’s psychosocial well being.
There are many benefits to massage for both the adults and the baby . Digestion is improved, relieve colic , gas and ease constipation. Emotionally, baby feels loved which will help with his emotional and physical growth and development.
Infant massage classes are conducted by our International Certified Trainer and Therapist from the acclaimed Touch Research Institute, MiamiUSA. Classes can be conducted on a one to one basis, in small group or in the privacy of your home.
Learn the technique of baby massage to communicate your love to your baby through your hands, to give him the best start in his growth and development.
How to book for and make payment for these home visits or get further information?
For booking or further enquirers, please call 03-7726-7002 or email us.